Fundraising & Committee

Our Kindergarten can only continue to operate thanks to a team of amazing parent volunteers. They form our committee each year and make sure our Kindergarten runs smoothly. They are an integral part of our team and are valuable to the running of our program. 

Being a part of our committee is a rewarding experience and allows our parents to truly be a part of their child’s year here at Glen Forrest Community Kindergarten.

  • As a Community Kindergarten, each year we establish a committee of dedicated parents who communicate on a weekly basis managing the various needs of our special centre. From fundraising to maintenance, marketing to executive business, we conduct regular meetings to discuss how we can ensure our Kindy can continue to operate.

    We are all busy parents! We have all offered our time, expertise and energy to the committee, each taking on specific roles but supporting each other however and whenever we can.

    We all joined the committee to ensure that our children’s experiences this year at Kindy were not only possible but enjoyable! The work we do on the committee goes on to support future families and their children, something we are passionate about. We recognise that, without parental support, Kindergartens like ours would cease to exist. Without a parent committee to manage fundraising and coordinate all general business for the Kindy our children would miss out on the best possible start to their schooling journey. Our wonderful Kindergarten is an asset to the Glen Forrest Community and we are proud to be a part of it.

    Click this link to meet our committee members and learn a little more about what we do to support our wonderful Kindy!

  • Glen Forrest Community Kindy is proud to be involved in this state-wide recycling scheme that enables community groups to fundraise for their cause!

    This year our parent committee is working to raise funds to upgrade our fairy garden and build a mud kitchen, a goal we can only reach with the help of our wonderful community! And if we can do our bit for the environment at the same time, it’s a YES from us!

    How it works: When you recycle with Containers for Change, you get a refund for every 10c container you return, which can really add up!

    Save your containers: If your container has a 10c mark, bring it to us! Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L can be saved. Make sure you take off the lids – we recycle those too, just separately.

    Bring them to us: You can bring all your saved containers directly to us at 47a Marnie Rd, Glen Forrest on Thursdays between the hours of 9 am and 2:30 pm. Or alternatively, if you are already planning to visit the Coppin Road Waste Transfer Station in Mundaring simply use our Member Number: C10659974 when you return your containers and we will still get 10 cents for each one - too easy!

    Be a container saver and help our Kindy!